Kees van Kersbergen and Philip Manow, eds., Religion, Class Coalitions, and Welfare States. Cambridge Studies in Social Theory, Religion and Politics. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009, 318 pp. $US 24.99 paper (978-0-521-72395-4), $US 80.00 hardcover (978-0-521-89791-4)
Religion, Class Coalitions and Welfare States is undoubtedly the most interesting and useful analysis of the formation of modern welfare states I have read in many a year. Once begun, I found it difficult to put the volume down and, for whatever reason, I find that is increasingly rare. As Andrew Gould writes in his cover blurb: “If you think you know everything about class coalitions and social policies, think again.” My reaction when I put the book down was: “How could we have ignored all this for so long?” … Read more